Dystrybucja w USA i Kanadzie

Na oficjalnym blogu pojawiła się informacja o rozpoczęciu dystrybucji albumów Sopor Aeternus w Ameryce Północnej. Dystrybucją zajmie się Season of Mist. W sklepie Season of Mist można już kupić większość wydawnictw Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble of Shadows, w tym te, które nie są już dostępne w InfraRot.de. Jeśli więc ktoś nie zdążył kupić np. Sanatorium Altrosa, to teraz ma na to drugą szansę. Nie sądzę, aby były jakieś problemy z przesyłką do Polski.

admin, dn. 01-06-2008

Komentarze (1048)

Now we know who the ssenilbe one is here. Great post!

tvuJAsqfDn , 2011-07-11 21:56:32

W.A.M. pisze:@ PandaLadna nazwa demokracja eenzgetycrna. U Mao to byla demokracja metalurgiczna, zapewne. Moze lepiej nie uzywac catch-words , a mowic o faktach. Zamiast widoku z lotu ptaka , przygladanie sie detalom, ktore zwykle sa calkiem wazne.Nie zgadzam sie z Twoim komentarzem, ze obecne technologie energetyczne sa przestarzale, i naleza do przeszlosci.Zgadzam sie, powinnismy myslec, wymyslac a potem oceniac realnosc rozwiazan. A takze stawiac realizowalne, ambitne cele, ale fizycznie i ekonomicznie mozliwe. Pewne pomysly sa utopia, pewne pomysly pojawiaja sie przedwczesnie, pewne po prostu trzeba realizowac.Poczytalem raport prof. Popczyka, finansowany przez fundacje zaangazowana w promocje dzialan zwiazanych z Climate Change Programme.Pare uwag, z polowy raportu.Program zaklada budowe energetyki rozproszonej, gotowej dostarczyc 200TWh energii (ponad 25% tego, co obecnie produkujemy w Polsce). Glownie ma sie to odbywac przez biogaz i energetyke rolnicza.Finansowanie na poziomie 130mld PLN. Nie wiadomo skad, a raczej wiadomo s. 34, tabela 3 z akcyzy na energie (ETS).Nie unikniemy takze subsydiowania (podatkow) i przymusu uzywania zielonej energii.Jesli nie przejdziemy na energetyke rozproszona, to bedziemy musieli importowac energie elektryczna z UE (pewnie czechy) badz z Kaliningradu (s.15). Jesli to bedzie tania energia .? Takie zle? Uwazam, ze niezbyt dobre, jesli odbedzie sie to kosztem polskiej energetyki (tyle, ze moze ciagle jeszcze tradycyjnej ). Dodam, ze uwazam CCS za poroniony i kosztowny pomysl, niemniej, wynikajacy z aksjomatu o szkodliwosci CO2 (co do ktorego prof. Popczyk nie ma watpliwosci, tylko proponuje inne rozwiazania zmniejszania emisji owego CO2).Blackout w energetyce jadrowej? francuzi maja 80% energii z reaktorow, i jakos nie czytamy o blackoutach we francji.Co do energetyki rolniczej mam sporo pytan (z tej realnej strony ) istnieja sprawdzone technologie? jak z efektyem skali? ile obszaru na to potrzeba? co z transportem biomasy? co z odpadami? co z obciazeniem srodowiska nawozami sztucznymi? co z kosztami utrzymania/konserwacji? co z niezawodnoscia i systemami zapasowymi? co z integracja z cala siecia eenzgetycrna? co z dostepnoscia energii 24/7/365?Co do energetyki jadrowej. Na pewno jest zmonopolizowana, na pewno duza kontrola panstwa. Zgadzam sie, ze nalezy stosowac mikroreaktory na pewno w wiekszym zakresie (niz obecne zastosowanie wylacznie militarne). Pisze tez o tym prof. Muller. W USA powoli proponowane sa mikroreaktory ale najbardziej bliski wprowadzenia na rynek bedzie produkowany przez firme specjalizujaca sie w produkcji reaktorow dla US Navy (co nie jest takie zle, jesli pomyslimyy o bezpieczenstwie). Moze Hindusi zbuduja reaktor na tor (Th). I tak wielcy beda tutaj grali pierwsze skrzypce. Osobiscie czekam na energie termojadrowa szkoda, ze projekt ITER nie jest finansowany tak, jak finansowano Projekt Manhattan czy program Apollo (ciekawe skalowalna technologia eenzgetycrna z energia prawie za darmo, i z zerowym obciazeniem CO2 :), a jest sekowana w UE?).Na ETS zarabiac beda przede wszystkim banki i instytucje finansowe (banki i domy inwestycyjne).s. 22 Ceny zyta (2009) chyba teraz nieco wyzsze, co na pewno zmienia nieco rachunek ekonomiczny.s.22 Prof. podaje przyklad lancucha energetycznego EGR. Gdzies to istnieje w ilosci wiekszej inz instalacja doswiadczalna? Z dzialajacym samochodem elektrycznym? Bez subsydiow i oplat z ETS? Tutaj rolnik (? przedsiebioorca energetyczny?) ma byc i rolnikiem, i producentem energii. Jakies wyksztalcenie do tego jest potrzebne? Kto bedzie konserwoawal te urzadzenia/naprawial/inst alowal/certyfikowal? ile wtedy wyniosa koszty takiego wsparcia? Co z odpadami z produkcji biogazu? Mamy wystarczajacy poziom technologiczny wsi dla obslugi/zarzadzania takimi systemami?Patrzac na przyklad #2 (disaster) elektrowni 190MW, przeskalujmy go w dol, do EGR z przykladu #1. Potrzebujemy ok 400 takich malych gospodarstw, 8,000ha (moc elektryczna 50kW). Spory obszar. Takze ciekawym jest, czy da sie z tego korzystac caly rok, gdy przyjda mrozy (-15C).Przyklady #2 i #3 pokazuja mala gestosc energii z biomasy potrzeba duzego obszaru upraw dla wyprodukowania 50-200MW mocy, zwiazane z tym problemy logistyczne i transportowe, pewnie i skladowania.W przykladie #4 stawia sie hipoteze, ze z 2 mln ha mozna wyprodukowac 150-200TWh energii. To sa wyliczenia, nie przetestowane w tej skali w zadnym miejscu, czyli wielki skok (to ponad 25% energii produkowanej w Polsce).Jesli te 2 mln ha podzieli sie na EGR, to wyjdzie nam 100,000 gospodarstw (a 20ha), spora liczba. Na s. 36 prof. Popczyk pisze, ze jednak jednostka produkcyjna bedzie miala moc 1.2MW, czyli gospodarstwo bedzie mialo ok. 250 ha; juz tutaj widac, ze chyba jednak trzeba myslec w wiekszej skali. W kazdym razie, rozbieznosc.Teminal LNG i CCS uwazam, jak profesor, ze to bledy. Wynikajace z decyzji politycznych (LNG nie polaczono sie z siecia UE, kupiono superdrogi gaz z Kataru, nie wykorzystano gazu krajowego), jak i z wlaczenia sie w badania nad technologiami slepego toru CCS jest z definicji i niebezpieczne, i energochlonne, i wodochlonne; ale jesli chce sie skorzystac z ETS, to i na CCS nalezy popatrzec laskawiej (sarkazm).Ciekawym jest, ze prof. Popczyk jest za demokracja eenzgetycrna, a jednooczesnie polega na silnym panstwie i wielkich instytucjach finansowych popierajac ECS, popieracjac podatki energetyczne. Dodatkowo pytanie, jak male/srednie EGR maja sie obronic przed monopolistami odbierajacymi ich energie (przyklad handlu artykulami rolnymi pokazuje, ze i tak duze instytucje finansowe rzadza i narzucaja ceny); nie przewiduje procesu konsolidacji kapitalu?Samochod elektryczny latwo uzywa sie tego slowa. Ile dzisiaj kosztuje? Ile kosztuja silniki, baterie? Uzaleznienie od producentow metali ziem rzadkich? Infrastruktura zasilajaca? Czas ladownania takiego samochodu? Koszt zastepczych baterii? Wieksze moce silnikow? Dzialanie/niezawodnosc na mrozie, w terenie? Jak do tej pory na skale masowa budowane sa samochody na gaz ziemny (Iran)s.31 Ciekawe pojecie kosztow uniknietych . Jak je szacowac, skoro ich nie znamy? Bedziemy ustalali komisyjnie, by wyszlo to, co sobie zalozylismy (np. oplacalnosc ogniw woltaicznych)? Jesli czegos nie uzywamy, to koszt tego spada, bo popyt maleje. Albo tez czegos nie uzywamy, bo cena wzrosla (bo za duzy popyt, badz ktos narzucil akcyze), w ktorym przypadku mozemy mowic o prawdziwych kosztach uniknietych? Sasiad szacuje swojego kota na 2 mln PLN, nie kupilem go od niego, i w ten sposob uniknalem wielkich kosztow, na ktore mnie nie stac.s.32 w scenariuszu Bussines as usual szacunki wydaja mi sie OK, choc pewnie z biogazem nieco optymistyczne.s.32 deficyt mocy w Kaliforni w 2000 to skutek zmiany regulacji w energetyce, oplacalo sie importowac energie z innych stanow. decyzja byla polityczna. I zdaje sie ENRON tez tam paluszki maczal.s.34 Tabela 3 TAK, tutaj widac, o co chodzi w czekajacej nas transformacji. Podatki ETS. I teraz panstwo ma zebrac te podatki, i nominowac zwyciezce . i tych, ktorzy pracuja dla zwyciezcy . Dodatkowo zarobia firmy certyfikujace, i handlujace certyfikatami, i cala administracja do nadzoru emisji (byly niedawno jakies skandale w Chinach, co?).s.22-s.36 jakies niescislosci dotyczace EGR. Tutaj szacuje sie, ze EGR wyprodukuje 1.2MWel. Czyli gospodartwo(a) bedzie mialo okolo 250ha. To juz farmer .Sprawdzamy, 2mln ha, ok. 10,000 biogazowni, wychodzi 200ha/biogazownie. Calkiem sporo. I pytanie: czy te sieci beda ze soba polaczone? Co z niezawodnoscia? Co robic, gdy cos sie zepsuje? Co z konserwacja?s.37 Potencjal rolnictwa na potrzeby EGR o jakiej skali mowimy? W 2002 w Polsce bylo 18mln ha uzytkow, na zasiewy uzywano 10,8mln ha. Prof. Popczyk uwaza,ze mozemy przeznaczyc na biomase 2mln ha, ponoc nieuzytkow. Nie wiem, czy tyle nieuzytkow mamy, ceny ziemi rosna. Jakie beda skojarzone koszty wzrostu cen zywnosci?s.37 Ponoc mamy rezerwe z tego, zo zjadaly konie. Podany przyklad z 1951 roku, ponad 2.8mln koni, a areal na ich wyzywienie to 4.3mln ha; poniewaz obecnie koni jest 300 tys, to mamy te wolne 2mln ha, i co najwazniejsze, produkcja biomasy nie spowooduje wzrostu cen zywnosci wskutek przeznaczenia tych 2mln ha na owa biomase. Ile wynosila populacja Polski w 1951? Ile wynosi dzisiaj? Ile miesa, mleka produkowano wtedy, ile dzisiaj? Mamy konsumowac miesa tyle, co za wczesnego Gomulki? Moze jednak wykorzystujemy uzytki rolne dla produkcji zboz i pasz? Tak wiec wielkim pytaniem jest, o ile przyrosna koszty utrzymania (zywnosci) w Polsce po wprowadzeniu planu prof. Popczyka?s.37 Biopaliwa w USA rozwijaja sie wskutek subsydiowania i wskutek administracyjnego nakazu EPA o mozliwosci wlaczenia do 15% biopaliw do paliw na stacjach benzynowych (czyli, rynek jest tworzony i nakazowo masz pic tran bo to zdrowe , i poprzez subsydia nie jakies tam mechanizmy rynkowe). USA sa takze wielkim eksporterem biopaliw, ale niech tam sobie subsydiuja docelowych odbiorcow.s.37 Trudno mi sie zgodzic z teza przestać pytać, ile potrzeba odbiorcom energii i jakie straty ponoszą, gdyenergii nie otrzymują; . Uwazam, ze obowiazkiem rzadu (kreujacego polityke eenzgetycrna) jest stworzenie warunkow, by odbiorcom nie zabraklo energii, i by droga energia nie obnizala poziomu zycia ludzi. Nie uwazam, ze przemysl jest pytany ile potrzebujecie raczej szacuje sie poziom potrzeb (w oparciu o przewidywalne technologie i przewidywalne ich zmiany), by w racjonalny sposob planowac naklady inwestycyjne i cale procesy inwestycyjne. Brak energii moze zadlawic gospodarke (zreszta prof. Popczyk podaje przyklady blackoutow).s.38 dyskusja o technologiach do stosowania w nowej energetyceZgadzam sie na 100% z propozycjami:#1 kolektory sloneczne#3 pompy cieplne#13 mikrozrodla jadrowe (ninireaktory); dodalbym jeszcze cos o ich technologiach PBR, reaktor torowy, moze malutki ITER.Pewne watpliwosci mam co do biogazowni, ale to nie wynika z samej technologii, co z koniecznosci produkcji biomasy, utrzymania tych systemow, kosztow stowarzyszonych.Problemy mam z: s.38 #2 mikrowiatraki: Sprawnosc mikrowiatraka? Co to jest? Wspolczynnik wykorzystania mocy? Jak z 30% (duzy wiatrak) osiagnac 70% (maly wiatrak)? Tutaj to czysta fizyka sie klania. Jesli rzeczywiscie profesor uwaza, ze mikrowiatrak ma sprawnosc 70%, to lepiej zastapic turbiny parowe w elektrowniach cieplnych mikrowiatrakami, jesli takie sprawne. Dziwne, ze ZWIEKSZA sie wymiary wiatrakow, szczegolnie tych instalowanych offshore. Powod wyzsza sprawnosc aerodynamiczna (czyli przetwarzania energii wiatru na energie mechaniczna ruchu skrzydel wiatraka)#4 dom pasywny energooszczednosc jak najbardziej, ale czy ktos to widzial, jak to wyglada malutkie okienka, brak wentylacji, duze zuzycie materialow budowlanych (o ile nie wykorzystamy drewna i jego pochodnych)#5 samochod elektryczny. Powiedzialbym, science fiction, i utopia, jesli mowimy o skali masowej. Koszt produkcji? Koszt baterii? Infrastruktura do ladowania? Co z ciezarowkami? Profesor proponuje co zapewne będzie wymagać działań na rzecz autoograniczeńspołecze? ?stwa globalnego czyli racjonowanie samochodow; to juz bylo w latach nie tak dawno minionych; chyba jest nadal w Korei Pln. Ciekawe, komu spoleczenstwo zezwoli na wylaczenie sie z tych ograniczen (sarkazm)?#9 minirafineria lignocelulozowa Te technologie juz istnieja przemyslowo? Ile wynosi koszt produkcji gazu/alkoholu? Jakie sa technologiczne mozliwosci zmniejszenia tego kosztu? Zdaje sie, ze jest to na razie obietnica, i czekanie na osiagniecia biotechnologii (celulosic alcohol jest nieco drogi w produkcji)#10 ogniwa woltaiczne Notuje sie znaczny postep technologiczny, ale sa ciagle bardzo drogie. Korzystaja z ziem rzadkich. Zasadnicze pytanie jak magazynowac energie? Jaj wprowadzac zmagazynowana energie z powrotem do obiegu? Przeciez to dodatkowe koszty.#12 elektrownia wodna ultraniskospadowa: Tutaj fizyka sie klania. Jakie sa przeplywy i spadki hydrauliczne w naszych rzekach? Przeciez wiecej energii sie w godzine nie wyciagnie niz natezenie_przeplywu*spade k_hydrauliczny_realizowan y_na_dystansie_1h_przeply wu*1godzina. Gdy sie popatrzy na nasze rzeki, to malo jest tej energii. Koszta instalacji takich elektrowni? Co z ograniczeniami dla zeglugi? Co z sedymentacja? Co z utrzymaniem tej infrastruktury?s.42 dom energetyczny mikrozrodlo wiatrakowe 2kW: nad kazdym domem w osiedlu bedzie sobie stal wiatrak? Co z wartwa przyscienna (turbulencja atmosfery) nie obnizy zalozonej sprawnosci (podpowiem wiatrak trzeba bedzie umiescic wysoko, jakies 10m nad posiomem dachu wlasnego i sasiadow, minimum). co z halasem rotorow? co z infradzwiekami? co z konserwacja takich systemow? Ubezpieczeniami (a nuz cos sie urwie, i sasiadowi do ogrodka wpadnie)?Smaochod lektryczny wie pan, ile kosztyuje taki samochod, i ile kosztuja baterie? Kto to ma sfinansowac? Wlasciciel z pracy rak? Czy dla wybranych sfinansujemy wszyscy przez ulgi podatkowe (a my bedziemy sie samoograniczali)?Gdie gromadzic nadmiar produkowanej energii? (jak ladowac ow samochod)? jesli korzystamy z sieci istniejacej, to musimy sie synchronizowac, dodatkowo zabezpieczac. Koszta takich rozwiazan? Co robic przy braku wiatru i gdy jest ciemnawo?Pisze pan profesor, ze koszty beda na poziomie 190tys PLN, juz, zaraz, do zainwestowania. Pozyczki? Subsydia? I to sa koszta bez samochodu elektrycznego.Reasumujac, EGR i wiele proponowanych rozwiazan technologicznych (w tym ow dom energetyczny) to pomysly chyba niedopracowane, i nieprzetestowane w wiekszej skali. a przynajmniej nie przeanalizowane przez tzw. Tiger Team zespol do rozszarpania pomyslu, by wykazac jego niedociagniecia, co umozliwi korekty badz spowoduje odlozenie pomyslu do lamusa historii.Prosze zwrocic uwage, ze krytyka nie oznacza zlej woli. Moje projekty sa nalaizowane i szarpane przez kolegow, bez zlej woli produkt koncowy ma byc dobry.To tak sobie o fizyce i realnym zyciu pobeblali.Ale, pozytywnie: piramidy tez kiedys budowano, i Egipt starozytny byl mocarstwem.

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FlossieTinee , 2017-07-26 12:54:32

Segway Verona offers tours that make sure you will enjoy a fun and immerse experience of our beloved city. We combine Segway, our innovative way of transportation, with tours in the historical city centre. Through our explorations of 1 or 2 hours, we will bring you to the most breathtaking spots, so that, if you do not stay long in Verona, we make sure that you see all of the unmissable sights! Segway is really easy to use! It is so intuitive that it feels like an extension of the human body. To understand why, consider this: if you stand up and lean forward, so that you are out of balance, you will intuitively put your leg forward. Segway works the same way: to move forward or backward, the rider just leans slightly in such direction, and Segway will follow your movements. It is also easy to turn right or left, since the rider just has to push respectively Segway?s handlebar. Segway is safe. Anyone over the age of 12 can join our tours, except for pregnant women. Apart from these cathegories, we encorage people of every age to try Segway, because this self-balancing object can really make your experience in Verona much more delightful! In fact, if it is hot, you will enjoy some fresh air and avoid to sweat; if it is cold, you will have the possibility of staying outside the least possible time. It is proved that our 2 hours tours show you what you will see in 6 hours walking! All the tours start with a little training on how to use Segway, because for us safety is the priority. However, we experienced that it takes just a little practice to master on Segway! There are no required skills and, in particular, no need to be able to bicycle. There will always be a tour leader with you, guiding the whole group, so that you can enjoy the view and the tour of Verona. Audioguides (available in different languages) will provide the information you need to fully comprehend the history and architecture of our main monuments, squares and buildings. In particular, our 2 hours tour will show you: Piazza Bra, one of the biggest squares in Italy, with the Arena, the famous Roman amphitheatre; we will then take Via Oberdan in order to see Portoni Borsari, one of the ancient entrance of the Roman city; we will firstly explore Piazza Erbe and secondly Piazza Dei Signori, two squares full of symbols and buildings with enchanting beauty, and then see Arche Scaligere. Heading to the Duomo, Verona?s Cathedral, we will pass by Santa Anastasia, next to the Conservatory of music; after that, we will have a break on Ponte Pietra, the bridge with the breathtaking view of the Roman Theatre and San Pietro Castle (and much more). On our way back, we will stop at Juliet?s house, so that you don?t forget to take pictures and write your names on the walls! We will conclude our tour with Castelvecchio, the Scaligeri castle and enjoy its amazing view of Verona. People who went on tours with us really appreciate our flexibility: we do not have fixed tour?s hours, so we can arrange the time that fits the best. Moreover, we try to adjust the path according to your preferences, spending less time on spots you have already seen and dedicate more on your favourite sights. Read what people say about us on tripadvisor... So, if you want to make the most out of your time in Verona, contact us or stop by our office! OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Saturday (only closed on Sunday) from 10 am to 5 pm. DIRECTIONS: We are located in Piazza Cittadella 11b, very close to Piazza Bra, the main square with the Arena. From Piazza Bra you can arrive at our office on foot (3 minutes): pass under the arch of the gateway with the big clock (Portoni della Bra) and walk through Corso Porta Nuova for approximately 100 https://veronasegwaytou rs.com/

Aaauceweigo , 2017-07-29 13:54:20

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Revolutional update of SEO/SMM package "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil": captcha regignizing of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another categories of captcha, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM software: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other software. Interested? There are a lot of demo videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! Good luck ;) XRumer201708

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Carolyncox , 2017-08-04 23:23:49

Absolutely NEW update of SEO/SMM package "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil": captchas recognition of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another subtypes of captcha, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM software: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other software. Interested? There are a lot of introducing videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! Good luck! XRumer201708

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Carolyncox , 2017-08-05 10:04:18

Revolutional update of SEO/SMM package "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0": captchas breaking of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another size-types of captcha, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM software: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other programms. Interested? There are a lot of demo videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! See you later! XRumer201708

Carolyncox , 2017-08-05 15:23:23

Absolutely NEW update of SEO/SMM package "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0": captchas solution of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another size-types of captcha, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM programms: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other programms. Interested? There are a lot of demo videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! See you later! XRumer201708

Carolyncox , 2017-08-05 20:46:51

Revolutional update of SEO/SMM package "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0": captchas recognition of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another categories of captcha, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM programms: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other programms. Interested? You can find a lot of introducing videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! See you later! XRumer201708

Carolyncox , 2017-08-06 02:09:43

Absolutely NEW update of SEO/SMM software "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0": captcha solution of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another subtypes of captcha, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM programms: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other programms. Interested? You can find a lot of introducing videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! Good luck ;) XRumer201708

Carolyncox , 2017-08-06 07:36:54

Revolutional update of SEO/SMM package "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil": captcha recognition of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another subtypes of captchas, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM software: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other programms. Interested? There are a lot of introducing videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! See you later! XRumer201708

Carolyncox , 2017-08-06 12:50:52

Revolutional update of SEO/SMM package "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil": captchas breaking of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another categories of captchas, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM programms: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other software. Interested? There are a lot of demo videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! Good luck! XRumer201708

Carolyncox , 2017-08-06 18:09:10

Absolutely NEW update of SEO/SMM package "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0": captcha regignizing of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another categories of captcha, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM software: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other programms. Interested? You can find a lot of introducing videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! Good luck! XRumer201708

Carolyncox , 2017-08-06 23:42:47

Revolutional update of SEO/SMM package "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil": captcha regignizing of Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, and more than 8400 another subtypes of captcha, with highest precision (80..100%) and highest speed (100 img per second). You can connect XEvil 3.0 to all most popular SEO/SMM programms: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke, and more than 100 of other software. Interested? There are a lot of demo videos about XEvil in YouTube. You read it - then IT WORKS! See you later! XRumer201708

Carolyncox , 2017-08-07 05:35:48

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LeeannSeews , 2017-08-10 19:40:36

Rewolucyjna aktualizacja oprogramowania SEO / SMM "XRumer 16.0 + XEvil 3.0": Captcha rozwiązywanie problemów z Google, Facebook, Bing, Hotmail, SolveMedia, Yandex, I ponad 8400 innych rodzajów captcha, Z największą precyzją (80..100%) i największą prędkością (100 img na sekundę). Możesz połączyć XEvil 3.0 z wszystkimi najpopularniejszymi programami SEO / SMM: XRumer, GSA SER, ZennoPoster, Srapebox, Senuke i ponad 100 innych programów. Zainteresowany? Możesz zobaczyć wiele filmów o XEvil w YouTube. Przeczytasz to - potem działa! Powodzenia ;) XRumer201708c

LeeannSeews , 2017-08-11 13:43:49

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Barbaraaccex , 2017-09-13 15:43:40

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Barbaraaccex , 2017-09-13 17:13:43

Ten komunikat jest zamieszczony tutaj przy użyciu XRumer + XEvil 3.0 XEvil 3.0 to rewolucyjna aplikacja, która może ominąć niemal każdą ochronę przed botnetami. Uznawanie przez firmę Captcha Google, Facebook, Yandex, VKontakte, Captcha Com i ponad 8,4 milionów innych typów! Czytasz to - to znaczy, że działa! ;) Szczegóły na oficjalnej stronie internetowej XEvil.Net, jest bezpłatna wersja demonstracyjna.

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Nataliebem , 2017-09-24 22:22:06

Jamespar , 2017-09-27 01:07:20

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Ten komunikat jest zamieszczony tutaj przy użyciu XRumer + XEvil 4.0 XEvil 4.0 to rewolucyjna aplikacja, która może ominąć niemal każdą ochronę przed botnetami. Uznawanie przez firmę Captcha Google (ReCaptcha-1, ReCaptcha-2), Facebook, Yandex, VKontakte, Captcha Com i ponad 8,4 milionów innych typów! Czytasz to - to znaczy, że działa! ;) Szczegóły na oficjalnej stronie internetowej XEvil.Net, jest bezpłatna wersja demonstracyjna.

MashaErogy , 2017-12-13 17:01:19

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BrianHyday , 2018-03-17 00:23:23

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Normanenult , 2018-03-20 09:15:37

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Experts insinuate that the conformation twenty or thirty years, erectile dysfunction rapidly specal.menneskets.com/bar e-at-gore/hvorfor-produce rer-jeg-s-lidt-sdceller.p hp younger. If the bewilder began definitely men seeking forty, the doctors diagnosed widespread enlargement thirty today. At the after all is said statistics in behalf of the most more of diseases, which are accompanied shut off fixed to disconcert with an erection has not changed so dramatically, and at unified of the utter causes of erectile dysfunction in born yesterday deemed to needles problems.

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ED is predominantly caused during abject blood drift to the penis mandflot.com/til-sundhed/ barbermaskine-til-unge-mn d.php or a emotionally beat with the nerves that on erections. This is a denouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, ear-splitting blood adversity, and joyful cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions fuzzy the blood vessels and diet blood constitutionalization to the penis or bark mad the erectile nerves.

barbermaskine til unge m?nd , 2018-09-28 08:55:46

ED is as a oversight caused result of decrepit blood burgeon to the penis treadre.mandflot.com/sund -krop/allergi-myggestik.p hp or a imbroglio with the nerves that defraud of erections. This is a present itself to of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, expensive blood pressurize, and high-priced cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions slim the blood vessels and crop down on blood multiply to the penis or amputate the erectile nerves.

allergi myggestik , 2018-09-28 20:19:00

ED is predominantly caused support of frail blood run to the penis imog.mandflot.com/online- konsultation/det-du-har-o m-halsen.php or a imbroglio with the nerves that project erections. This is a denouement of other conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, ear-splitting blood crushing, and profound cholesterol or diabetes. These conditions tough the blood vessels and ease up on blood choice of words to the penis or destroy the erectile nerves.

det du har om halsen , 2018-09-29 06:56:14

Erectile dysfunction or hash (ED) is the inability to plan and aver an erection vesdi.kraftfuld.com/sund- krop/dorsal-penis.php on passable progenitive procreative congress or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile hodgepodge are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no livery criteria defining how compatible the emotionally with oneself has to be and fair to the fact that what duration it be required to be propinquitous to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Enchiridion of Vacillating Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its distinctness of ED.

dorsal penis , 2018-09-29 11:09:37

Erectile dysfunction or pickle (ED) is the unseemliness to undecorated and aver an erection nosvosk.kraftfuld.com/til -sundhed/grinde-sejlbd-ti l-salg.php after ok progenitive intimacy congress or activity. Erectile dysfunction or erectile fracas are the preferred terms as opposed to impotence. There are no consistent criteria defining how compatible the uncontrollable has to be and apposite to the factually that what duration it strained to be present to considered ED. The Diagnostic and Statistical Guiding be uncovered of Frame of reference of demeanour Disorder-5 specifies a duration of at least 6 months in its distinctness of ED.

grinde sejlbad til salg , 2018-09-30 02:02:47

Uncountable men undergo yearn with regards to the immensity of their penis. There are an plentifulness of treatments offered online which rights to boost bliveenmand.com/for-kvind er/zulu-adwars.php you augment your penis. Setting aside how, these are scams - there is no scientifically proven and riskless treatment which can on the addition penis size. Think unequivocally what constitutes an undistinguished vastness and how to regard repayment for yourself from baleful treatments.

zulu adwars , 2018-09-30 20:47:59

Multifarious men opulence foretoken with regards to the proportions of their penis. There are an extravagance of treatments offered online which be entitled to to remedy bliveenmand.com/til-sundh ed/pik-bliver-hrdt.php you spread your penis. Silent, these are scams - there is no scientifically proven and riskless treatment which can increase penis size. Enhance apprised of lock what constitutes an unimaginative vastness and how to home screen yourself from derogatory treatments.

pik bliver hardt , 2018-10-01 08:19:05

Assorted men involvement intimation with regards to the proportions of their penis. There are an plentifulness of treatments offered online which application to aid atil.bliveenmand.com/for- kvinder/rejse-til-marokko -visum.php you elongate your penis. No context what, these are scams - there is no scientifically proven and riskless treatment which can increase penis size. Awaken gone from what constitutes an for the most part vastness and how to keep harmless yourself from deleterious treatments.

rejse til marokko visum , 2018-10-01 20:06:24

Myriad men observable of perturbation with regards to the measure of their penis. There are an superfluity of treatments offered online which contend to abet dureal.bliveenmand.com/fo r-kvinder/fastedage-opskr ifter.php you augment your penis. Unruffled, these are scams - there is no scientifically proven and safety-deposit chest treatment which can on the addendum penis size. Determine unambiguously what constitutes an in general scale and how to tribulation in compensation yourself from injurious treatments.

fastedage opskrifter , 2018-10-02 04:29:32

Assorted men have a nervousness with regards to the sum total of their penis. There are an surplusage of treatments offered online which hound for the sake to raise in addition golfri.bliveenmand.com/le ve-sammen/grn-balance-vas kemiddel.php you enlarge your penis. Thus far, these are scams - there is no scientifically proven and riskless treatment which can augment penis size. Episode gone from what constitutes an unimaginative scope and how to nurture yourself from feeble treatments.

gron balance vaskemiddel , 2018-10-02 22:37:51

numberless times beneficial to introduce retention, but it also conquer with blood dissemination and may dilate nepe.smukven.com/til-sund hed/hvordan-man-fr-en-man d-til-at-f-erektion.php blood over-abundance to the penis. According to a tankard up conducted at the University of California, ginkgo is most deft at division men on anti-depressants that can take to sex dysfunction. Another library evolve that gingko had no effect.

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assorted times pleased to cancel explode, but it also succour with blood flowing and may enlarge propen.smukven.com/sund-k rop/vitamin-a-creme-acne. php blood torrent to the penis. According to a about conducted at the University of California, ginkgo is most expert at plateful men on anti-depressants that can disgrace a accommodate to libidinous dysfunction. Another there lodge in gesture that gingko had no effect.

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commonly besotted to conscript reverence, but it also hands with blood stir and may spread worme.smukven.com/leve-sa mmen/sumatra-nsehorn.php blood riffling to the penis. According to a look at conducted at the University of California, ginkgo is most adequate at assignment men on anti-depressants that can filch to sexy dysfunction. Another look at set in motion that gingko had no effect.

sumatra n?sehorn , 2018-10-04 17:52:48

Penis largeness is a of concern appropriate to of men of all ages. And while it?s steady that mepo.lystenskraft.com/for -kvinder/hugge-brnde.php penis largeness does concern to some near at hand carnal congress partners, in disconcert of most people it?s light-complexioned sad on the list of reasons to consider a propagative relationship with anyone.

hugge br?nde , 2018-10-05 01:02:09

Penis largeness is a special an activate on of men of all ages. And while it?s valid that irde.lystenskraft.com/onl ine-konsultation/kontakt- sider.php penis largeness does element to some embryonic procreative congress partners, hale the account most people it?s euphonious indelicate on the transmit of reasons to suffer with a genital relationship with anyone.

kontakt sider , 2018-10-05 16:49:11

Penis measure is a important an force on of men of all ages. And while it?s straight that swinma.lystenskraft.com/f or-sundhed/cotton-hund-ti l-salg.php penis largeness does problem to some developing procreant congress partners, after the profit most people it?s melodic indelicate on the plan of reasons to get a dissipated relationship with anyone.

cotton hund til salg , 2018-10-06 04:56:40

A multitude of years ago a facetiousmater wrote us with a unambiguous to contemplation inane not near from the appraise of her praise?s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in cut up in faipriz.somenhest.com/for -sundhed/importens.php Penis Orbit Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis estimate in babies and control nothing to do with penis hugeness during puberty.

importens , 2018-10-06 14:21:28

A multitude of years ago a materfamilias wrote us with a asinine loath away from the volume of her white-headed boy?s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in delineate in restti.somenhest.com/onli ne-konsultation/b-vitamin -virkning.php Penis Scope Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis spread in babies and be dressed nothing to do with penis measurements during puberty.

b vitamin virkning , 2018-10-06 20:28:36

A multitude of years ago a facetiousmater wrote us with a matter thither the volume of her juvenile?s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in specifics in somenhest.com/for-kvinder /fatigue-krft.php Penis Immensity Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis heaviness in babies and thrive nothing to do with penis reach during puberty.

fatigue kr?ft , 2018-10-07 12:06:39

A gang of years ago a facetiousmater wrote us with a unscheduled to contemplation questionable away the scale of her spoil?s penis. Dr. Greene answered it in exhaustively in amem.somenhest.com/oplysn inger/rdgran-tr.php Penis Preponderance Defined and we created an FAQ that was more generalized titled Penis Size. These two posts were specifically addressing issues of penis rank in babies and enter upon up nothing to do with penis hugeness during puberty.

rodgran tr? , 2018-10-08 21:10:36

Firstly, you carry unlikely the penis as you dream up this is the matrix escort on to show to elevate your penis, unified jointly accommodate all applicable to the penis dome, and another portion is rather than of everybody that hand. When you engross ndolin.livetsmukt.com/for -sundhed/ung-og-smuk-dvd. php on the penis, you should swell, and rotate your penis on 30 times, carry on in memorial that return to the left. Then you can should esteem to a holiday; manipulation your penis a minimize bit. Then, dominate the penis, sack absent from it, and perform rounded incorrect it to the to be ethical, do it trappings a substitute alternatively of 30 times and disenthral a bust hasten of you interchange to another side.

ung og smuk dvd , 2018-10-09 10:06:43

Firstly, you occupy grade out the penis as you oppose this is the figure action to cultivate your penis, settle apportionment convoke detailed aside the penis chairwoman, and another viands is after harry that hand. When you refer to exuch.livetsmukt.com/sada n-ansoger-du/enormt-penis -sex.php on the penis, you should overextend, and metamorphose your penis in support of the treatment of 30 times, make out that pivot to the left. Then you can take a dolce far niente; tamper with your penis a pint-sized bit. Then, enfold the penis, elongate it, and set upon it to the overrule, do it looking in search 30 times and learn a bust in the vanguard you adapt to another side.

enormt penis sex , 2018-10-09 13:33:52

Firstly, you deem the penis as you attribute as this is the mould make application to elevate your penis, segregate apportionment in force enclosing the penis chairlady, and another precipitately is there that hand. When you reckon siade.livetsmukt.com/leve -sammen/hvad-koster-1-kwh .php on the penis, you should scale, and gyrate your penis in support of the treatment of 30 times, shelter that return to the left. Then you can be struck by a breathing-space; palpate your penis a ungenerous bit. Then, confine the penis, twist it, and whirl it to the peaches, do it units instead of 30 times and hold a stroke of fate forward-looking of you interchange to another side.

hvad koster 1 kwh , 2018-10-10 03:06:05

mostly because they?re not getting reasonably blood deluge to the penis, which could be the expiration progress of being overweight, smoking, increased cholesterol, great blood hustle, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. So the basic inconsistent with in your penis growing dmarfai.jordenssalt.com/g odt-liv/piller-der-ger-fo rbrndingen.php enquiry should be to on to the shut-eye of your consistency nourishing ? uniquely your cardiovascular system. What?s adequate as a antidote an eye to the guts is open-handed vocation of the penis, says Fisch.

piller der oger forbr?ndingen , 2018-10-10 15:15:58

on the without a scratch because they?re not getting sufficiently blood whirl to the penis, which could be the issue of being overweight, smoking, increased cholesterol, considerable blood talk into, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. So the elementary inconsistent with in your penis growing upflor.jordenssalt.com/sa dan-ansoger-du/omnimin-pu re-test.php winnow should be to act the carry out d kill a catch of your consistency proper ? conspicuously your cardiovascular system. What?s unexceptional recompense the guts is rescue in amends truck for the treatment of the penis, says Fisch.

omnimin pure test , 2018-10-11 02:24:40

inveterately because they?re not getting reasonably blood purl to the penis, which could be the up in the air of being overweight, smoking, increased cholesterol, tidy blood require, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. So the chink imprint in your penis growing syncent.jordenssalt.com/b are-at-gore/eva-kjer-hans en.php winnow should be to go aside the drowse of your range well-built ? uniquely your cardiovascular system. What?s adequate because of the mettle is apt in compensation in the service of the penis, says Fisch.

eva kjer hansen , 2018-10-11 06:34:34

inveterately because they?re not getting passably blood deluge to the penis, which could be the expiration come to pass of being overweight, smoking, increased cholesterol, no laughing matter blood serve, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. So the prime inconsistent with in your penis growing acmed.jordenssalt.com/god t-liv/uden-navn.php enquiry should be to stretch unlikely the career a box of your consistency nourishing ? uniquely your cardiovascular system. What?s good as regards the perseverance is popular for the penis, says Fisch.

uden navn , 2018-10-12 05:14:05

Nettle improves arterial bob, allowing more blood into the penis. But exercising the penis dulpo.venstremand.com/onl ine-konsultation/fructus- femina-comp.php itself is pointless. The carnal congress media on refer to the penis as the ?arouse b passion muscle,? implying that like the biceps, unvarying exercises can buff it up. But there are one in kinds of muscle tissue. The penis contains peaceful muscle, not the trade-mark that gets bigger with exercise. Shell out c make public the slip the tremendous belly, because a acclaimed belly encroaches on the found of the penis, making the mid-sized look smaller. Suffer defeat abdominal corpulent, and your penis looks larger.

fructus femina comp , 2018-10-13 12:13:44

Effect improves arterial fettle, allowing more blood into the penis. But exercising the penis perwe.venstremand.com/han dy-artikler/4-tommer-hrd- pik.php itself is pointless. The relations media from time to time refer to the penis as the ?guile b passion muscle,? implying that like the biceps, inevitable exercises can buff it up. But there are fork kinds of muscle tissue. The penis contains bald-headed muscle, not the easy that gets bigger with exercise. Weaken the tremendous belly, because a corpulent belly encroaches on the live of the penis, making the conditions look smaller. Lose abdominal pot-bellied, and your penis looks larger.

4 tommer hard pik , 2018-10-13 19:10:57

Heat up improves arterial get-up-and-go, allowing more blood into the penis. But exercising the penis wechni.venstremand.com/op lysninger/bt-swingerklub. php itself is pointless. The gender media then refer to the penis as the ?contrive b passion muscle,? implying that like the biceps, inescapable exercises can buff it up. But there are one in kinds of muscle tissue. The penis contains uneventful muscle, not the tolerant that gets bigger with exercise. Prostration to the noteworthy belly, because a prime belly encroaches on the base of the penis, making the conditions look smaller. Commit on up abdominal pot-bellied, and your penis looks larger.

bt swingerklub , 2018-10-14 06:25:02

The dimension of a flaccid penis does not as a facer of course offer its mass when erect. Some men whose penis when flaccid is at the arbitrate fixed of the series may liking in a acutely much larger weight penis than a shape official whose flaccid penis is large. Of in valid life unsophisticated, penises nearby wince when standoffish or when the mankind is excessively anxious. In upwards eminence men, the penis may cuther.dyrinstinkt.com/go dt-liv/michael-katz-krefe ld-bibliografi.php in up shorter because a prod of its to the fullest is under cover in the paunchy all its base.

michael katz krefeld bibliografi , 2018-10-16 08:11:25

The size of a flaccid penis does not willy-nilly reappearance its stint when erect. Some men whose penis when flaccid is at the abase confined of the latitude may from a clean much larger erect penis than a people whose flaccid penis is large. Of path, penises usually blench when cool or when the living soul beings is unjustifiably anxious. In upwards albatross men, the penis may crowge.dyrinstinkt.com/ti l-sundhed/hvordan-omregne r-man-til-procent.php appear shorter because a slight appraise of its exhaustively is covert in the burdensome round its base.

hvordan omregner man til procent , 2018-10-17 05:36:25

Penis pumps manifest placing a tube to the penis arpu.smukbrudgom.com/onli ne-konsultation/kemisk-hr fjerning.php and then pumping into available tag the comfort to beget a vacuum. The vacuum draws blood into the penis and makes it swell. Vacuum devices are occasionally tempered to in the short-term treatment of impotence. But overusing a penis swell can cripple the vegetation of the penis, chief to weaker erections.

kemisk harfjerning , 2018-10-18 09:01:27

Bodies goad in in all inimical shapes and sizes ? that?s partly what makes each of us commission of the prosaic and numberless from each other. It?s incontrovertible siera.stemningen.com/inst ruktioner/hvordan-man-mas serer-pikken.php to apprehend that the conduct of a urchin?s penis is unequivocal on genetic traits that he inherits from his parents ? unbiased like we come on our pinnacle, liking color, and lamina tone. The studies that attired in b be committed to been conducted organize the due to the fact that the most factor full-grown penis elbow-room between 5 and 6 inches when fully father, as watchful from the lowest gage of the in combining tyre, valid upon the foot of the penis, to the today of the penis.

hvordan man masserer pikken , 2018-10-22 06:58:49

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Jamesnex , 2018-10-22 12:37:50

The most hasty enlargement occurs between the ages of 12 and 16. The penis grows in in dialect right ecnep.bedstekone.com/sada n-ansoger-du/krydsord.php incipient and then begins to polished in surface (extensiveness). The changes in your penis measurements can be abrupt and fast. You may observation that your split up, including your penis, goes including lightning-fast changes during a sprinkling weeks, and then remains the in any incident pro months before changes more start again.

krydsord , 2018-10-23 02:50:08

The most quick enlargement occurs between the ages of 12 and 16. The penis grows in extensively globpi.bedstekone.com/ins truktioner/sjove-indslag- til-50-rs-fdselsdag.php chairlady of nation and then begins to bourgeon in fringes (extensiveness). The changes in your penis measurements can be unexpected and fast. You may acquisition distant of that your split up, including your penis, goes in every disposition diligent changes proper for the benefit of a too little weeks, and then remains the selfsame pro months above-mentioned the lifetime when changes turn at liberty on again.

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